Posted by andyalex1 on 01/11/2003 @ 09:15:06 PST
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Netbrute is not working for me anymore. Not only does it
sometime skip through the bulk of address (usually it would
spen 1-2 seconds per IP address, now it scans 100 addresses
in 1 second.)Also, sometime it does scan correctly, but only address in
my range. This would be fine except I need to scan three
seperate IP ranges and my machine is only located in one of
Has something changed? I'm sure that I am still using the
same version. I run Windows 2000 advanced server. If it
wasn't something with Netbrute, could it be some blocking
implemented by Microsoft? (I religiously use windows
update). Or, could it be some sort of new blocking put in
place by my ISP?
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